Our audiologists specialise in tinnitus management, including assessment and guidance towards treatment options. Canberra Audiology audiologists also have experience with hyperacusis, misophonia and other sound tolerance disorders.
About Tinnitus
Tinnitus is the perception of sound in the absence of corresponding external sound. It often manifests as ringing or humming in one or both ears, but can also be clicking, banging or other sounds. It is a symptom rather than a disease, and can have a number of causes including hearing loss, exposure to loud sounds, ear wax impaction, extreme stress, some prescription and non-prescription drugs as well as many other causes. Tinnitus only rarely has a sinister cause, such as a brain tumour.
Tinnitus is very common with up to 30% of general population experiencing tinnitus ranging from mild to severe. This percentage increases to 30% for people over 55, possibly because of its association with hearing loss.
Sound Tolerance Disorders
Sound Tolerance Disorder is a term that includes a number of conditions such as Hyperacusis, Misophonia and Tonic Tensor Tympani Disorder. These conditions involve normal, everyday sounds causing discomfort, distress or pain to the sufferer. Sound Tolerance Disorders can be caused by dysfunctions of the hearing organ or nerves, dysfunctions of the balance system, psychological conditions, certain syndromic conditions as well as other causes.
It is hypothesized that in many cases the mechanisms of hyperacusis are very similar to those thought to cause bothersome tinnitus.
Tinnitus and Sound Tolerance Disorder Treatment
There are many devices, medications, supplements and other proposed treatments available for the treatment of tinnitus and sound tolerance disorders. Unfortunately many of these treatment options have not been rigorously clinically trialled. In this way there is little evidence to support whether they in fact make any impact on tinnitus or sound tolerance disorders. Some may even make the condition worse.
At Canberra Audiology, we only support the use of research-based methods for the treatment of tinnitus and sound tolerance disorders. These focus on encouraging tinnitus management through habituation to the tinnitus or problem sounds, and addressing co-morbid conditions, such as hearing loss. These scientifically-backed treatments currently include:
- Sound enrichment strategies
- The use of hearing aids (for those with hearing loss)
- Stress management techniques
- Ear and hearing informational counselling, as well as cognitive management strategies
- Direction to other professions for services; such as dentistry, psychology and physiotherapy.
Your Appointment with Us
Before your appointment you will be asked to complete a number of questionnaires. These are not compulsory but do help the audiologist to understand your hearing, tinnitus and/or sound tolerance disorder and other contributing factors in great detail.
During your appointment our audiologist will:
- Take an extensive hearing and tinnitus/sound tolerance disorder history
- Do a hearing test, if not already done
- Give a detailed explanation of your hearing
- Discuss your questionnaire results
- Explain the ear and hearing system in relation to your concern
- Develop a plan of action, which may include referral to and ear specialist or other health provider e.g. a dentist.
For a wealth of information and support groups visit Tinnitus Australia, or ask your audiologist for other options and resources.