Are you looking for an audiologist in Canberra? Meet our team of dedicated post-graduate qualified professionals who are here to help!
Kimberley Gordon Owner Audiologist
BBiomedSc (Hon) MClinAud AAudA MIAA
Kim has been in the field of audiology since 2004. She began her career in Victoria working for a government-owned organisation, Hearing Australia, in hearing rehabilitation. She moved on to work at the Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital (RVEEH) specialising in diagnostic vestibular (balance) audiology and for the University of Melbourne as a clinical tutor and lecturer, before moving to Canberra and working in private practice.
Kim opened her own private practice, Canberra Audiology, in 2011. She now specialises in paediatrics, complex cases, tinnitus and hyperacusis management, auditory processing disorder and ear wax removal.
Kim has a busy home life with 3 young children and enjoys dress-making, gardening and reading when she gets the chance.
Kim is an accredited audiologist of Audiology Australia and of Independant Audiologists Australia.
D-Marie Bradfield Senior Audiologist
BEng (Hon) BA MClinAud AAudA
D-Marie, or D for short, has been working in audiology for 15 years and has worked for many years with both Kimberley Gordon and Stephe Jitts. D completed her education at Canberra’s ANU and the University of Melbourne.
D has had a well-travelled career in audiology. From 2010-2012 she lived and worked in Scotland as an audiologist where she worked in the NHS and received specialist training in vestibular assessment and rehabilitation. In 2014 she also travelled to Nepal to conduct ear health and hearing screenings as part of a local health initiative.
Currently, D-Marie is specialising in adult hearing assessment and rehabilitation, ear wax removal, and tinnitus and sound sensitivity assessment.
Outside work, she entertains her two kids with her dog and has a keen interest in wood working, building physics and building design.
D-Marie is an accredited member of Audiology Australia.
Jessica Cross Senior Audiologist
BHlthSc(SpPath) MClinAud AAudA
Jess has been working with Canberra Audiology since 2019 after completing her Masters of Clinical Audiology at Macquarie University in Sydney.
Prior to becoming an audiologist, Jess worked as a speech pathologist with adults and children with disabilities. She also worked at the Shepard Centre supporting children with hearing loss and their families.
Jess’ current caseload includes diagnostic assessment for children and adults, wax removal, cochlear implant assessment, switch-on and maintenance, as well as auditory processing disorder assessment and management.
Jess is an accredited member of Audiology Australia.
Joanna Wilson Audiologist
Joanna joined Canberra Audiology in 2021 after completing her Masters degree at Macquarie University in Sydney. Prior to studying audiology, Joanna completed a Bachelor of Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology in India. She spent some months working as a speech pathologist with adults and children before moving to Sydney to complete her audiological training.
Joanna is experienced in adult hearing diagnostics and rehabilitation, hearing tests for children over 6 years and ear wax removal.
She is also fluent in Hindi, Malayalam and Marathi.
Joanna is a full member of Audiology Australia.